Numerology and Feng Shui
“Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted.”
The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to
numbers, they choose telephone numbers, house number, business numbers,
car number plates and anything that has numbers in very carefully.
Every month we get to visit many homes and businesses on
consultations and it amazes us as how far our clients take Feng Shui
almost to paranoia, which is not good. If you have bad numbers do not
worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious
A little story to begin with, last Friday night I was
parked outside the cinema waiting to pick up my two boys and as much as I
hate to admit it I was listening to BBC radio 4. I know you always
think of the Archers or such like and this is what my Grandma used to
listen too, they have some great debates on some nights.
Anyway this program was about superstition, and one of
the interviewers was saying how she was not superstitious but had spent
the last 30 years saluting magpies or never walking under ladders or the
cracks of pavements. Well numbers and Feng Shui, are more superstitious
Chinese folklore than anything else, do I take it seriously? Yes and
no, if I
found the perfect Feng Shui house with a good facing direction and it was good for my family but the house number was number 4, I would still buy it although I have to admit I would use the counter measures listed below.
found the perfect Feng Shui house with a good facing direction and it was good for my family but the house number was number 4, I would still buy it although I have to admit I would use the counter measures listed below.
The main reason these numbers are considered unlucky is
because the way the numbers sounds when spoken especially to the
Cantonese. An example in western numbers would be the #11 could sound
like heaven or #8 sounds like weight or #1 sounds like son, do you see
what I mean? So if you have an unlucky #4 and you are from a country
other than China. Think of #4 as sounding like “more” which is great.
Numbers considered unlucky:
#4 (Sei) the worst number, why? Because in Cantonese
when spoken sounds like the word death. #13 because if you add 1=3 = 4
as above. #24 #104 are also considered unlucky
Numbers considered lucky
8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 54, 68, 80, 84, 88, 99, 168 & 108
are all good numbers, the reason #8 is so lucky is because if you say
the word (patt) it sounds like “faat” which means “prosperity &
There are many other numbers I have read about that are considered unlucky in my opinion this is “cannon fodder” and just written about to fill books, if you think about it you could go on for ages, #4 when spoken in English sounds like door, more, store, bore, jaw, paw and “SAW” which out of all of these sounds the worst
The cure:

you own a home or business with a 4 or 13 is to draw a circle around
the number, seriously it is that simple. The circle is extremely
powerful and encloses the inauspicious effects of a negative number. So
if you have a house number 4, a cheap way of curing is to go outside and
draw a circle around your number or if you have time and money pop down
to your local hardware store and find one of those ceramic door numbers
that you can customise with a circle around the number, all this time
you were worrying about nothing.
How seriously do we take numbers? I would be over the
moon if we found the perfect house with great flying stars and it was #8
or 88, but I would not be put off buying it if it were #4 or 13, I
would use the cure as above though or change it to a house name like
“rose cottage” etc.
Michael has a car number plate with #88 in it; our fax
number has three #8’s our telephone # has double nine, so yes we are
superstitious a little but not paranoid about it and using the
countermeasures above negate the problem, so please do not waste any
energy worrying if your house number is 4 or 13, remember in many
European countries #13 is very lucky and in Xuan Kong flying star #4 is a
romance star. Also remember how far do you take it, both Michael and I
were born in the forth month April, could this be bad? If you divide 8
by 2 it equals 4, you can play with numbers all you like and make them
work good or bad.
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